
Friday, April 30, 2010

Mas in May

A slice of what Legacy intends to unleash on Point Fortin tomorrow.

Exactly 38 years ago, history was created when T&T Carnival was celebrated in May, on May 1-2 to be exact. Well, history is about to repeat itself with more mas in May—a double dose actually—with the snap General Elections scheduled for May 24, and Point Fortin Borough Day mas taking place tomorrow. logoAll roads lead to Point Fortin from as early as tonight for the start of Borough Day mas, beginning with J’Ouvert celebrations at 5 am. With the festivities already at fever pitch from this past week’s daily activities, today’s events include a birthday party at Coronation Park and a Fireworks Display tonight, at the same venue.
Hopefully tomorrow’s steelband and costume parade will not be like the 1972 Carnival, when torrential rain played havoc with the people’s mas. Following tomorrow’s J’Ouvert through the streets of the Borough, after lunch will see the parade of traditional and pretty mas. There have been rumours of some stakeholders baulking at the idea at having the latter, preferring to keep the street parade exclusively for traditional costumes
Models Soowan Bramble, Candice Worrell and Karlon Richards display Chinese and African costumes for Royalty’s J’Ouvert presentation titled Real Unity.

Pretty mas on parade
Nonetheless, expected to create a sensation through the streets of Point Fortin, from 3 pm, are 2010 Band of the Year (Medium) Ronnie & Caro, and perennial favourite Legacy, led by “Big Mike” Antoine and Juliet de la Bastide. Said Legacy bandleader, Big Mike, this week, “this is a wonderful opportunity to again promote our culture and keep Carnival alive outside of the regular season. “At the same time, we also give back to our masqueraders who look forward to a day of culture, fun and another ‘jump’ in their Carnival 2010 costumes.”
Mike assured that Legacy’s celebration, like that of Ronnie & Caro, on the streets of Point Fortin, will be an all-inclusive experience, as free drinks and snacks will be provided, as well as round trip transport by bus from Port-of-Spain. Music will be provided by MK Promotions, featuring top radio DJs and personalities, and Legacy’s security will be in full effect. Carib leads a slew of sponsors, including Blue Waters, Coca Cola, Angostura and Digicel, of whom Big Mike was high in praise. To be a part of Legacy for Point Fortin Borough Day, further information can be obtained by calling 362-5959; or, Legacy Mas Camp (622-7466), between 10am-6.30 pm.

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