
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mac Farlane portrays beauty of Humanity

Bandleader Brian Mac Farlane depicts a wise old sage
at the dramatic closing scene of his band launch on Friday.

The beauty of humanity and the dynamic elements that encompass life are what reigning George Bailey Band of the Year winner (large) Brian Mac Farlane and Associates seeks to capture with the 2011 portrayal Humanity, Circle of Life. At the world premier of the presentation held at Mobs2, Chaguaramas, on Friday, Mac Farlane unveiled 12 of 14 pieces in a suspenseful theatrical display. Professor George Maxwell Richards and wife Jean, as well as Public Utilities Minister Emmanuel George formed the large audience that seemed marvelled as each model took the spotlight in the costumes. Chronicling the journey from birth to farewell (death), with titles such as: Baptism, Love, Time, Prayer, Marriage, Passion, Work and Freedom, Mac Farlane described Humanity, Circle of Life to be his most creative and inspiring presentation to date.

But, he denied that winning the George Bailey Band of the Year title was central in his thoughts when the depiction was being conceived. He said, “That thinking is banned from my mas camp. The first year I did a band, The Washing, someone jumped up and shouted Band of the Year and I said stop it! Don’t even say that! Do not say that! We are here to project art, our culture, our story line and it is the people to judge. Don’t ever put that into people’s mind. It’ s not about that.” Asked if he knew what portrayal he wanted to bring for Carnival 2011 long before, Mac Farlane said the ideas were never clear. He said when Almighty God or the spirit of the universe got him up and he starts sketching, it’s their will—it’s a direction.

He said: “I’m enjoying it. I know it’s the best thus far. There may be better to come, but I feel very strong about this band. When I think of the presentation I have planned for the street, for the stage now that we are back in the Savannah and the characters I have planned—the King and the Queen—that the mass of power, black and white and silver going through the streets—I think it’s going to be phenomenal.” Friday’s band launch also served as the closing of the two-day ideas seminar called Eventology. The stylishly elegant all-inclusive event opened music from Alternative Quartet and closed with an infectious Carnival styled performance from Roy Cape All Stars featuring Blaxx.

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