
Tuesday, February 05, 2013

New Mas Magazine launched.

The newly launcehd Mas Quarterly business magazine will sell T&T’s Carnival around the world. “Our goal is to brand T&T globally and this magazine is one of the vehicles to brand ourselves,” said Mahindra Satram-Maharaj, chairman of the National Carnival Development Foundation at the magazine’s launch. He said the glossy covered was one of the many projects of the Mas Transformation Secretariat, which was formed to implement NCDF projects.
Satram-Maharaj said the magazine will be through advertising Articles in the inaugural edition include a feature on Mike “Big Mike” Antoine, leader of mas band Legacy, as well as reports on the University of the West Indies (UWI) Carnival Studies Unit and fitness for the Carnival season. “It is not a Carnival magazine but a business magazine about mas.” The magazine is free with a wide array of circulation, he said. He said they will be using T&T’s embassies and international business offices to promote the magazine. “All our trade offices, our international consulates, high commissions, embassies worldwide will have copies of this. All the international institutions based locally will have copies. We have been working with the Chamber of Commerce and every corporate office in T&T.” Satram-Maharaj said copies will also be distributed throughout the education system. “UWI asked us for copies. We are working with the Ministry of Education to ensure that every school has a copy.” Dr Lincoln Douglas, Minister of Arts and Multiculturalism, described the magazine as a “timely and necessary initiative” with the potential to encourage greater collaboration among the T&T and its diaspora globally in attracting direct foreign investment. Douglas added that studies from UWI indicate that US$100 million is derived annually from Carnival and the annual festival was “big business.”
Source: guardian

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